WSDC 2013 Turkey

Motions from the World Schools Debating Championships 2013 in Turkey:
(I marks a non-prepared aka Impromptu motion)

R1: THBT important decisions about children’s health should be made by medical professionals and not by their parents
R2: (Impromptu) THBT the media should be prevented by law from intruding the lives of public figures
R3: THS greater US military presence in East Asia
R4: (I) THW allow prisoners to choose death over life sentence
R5: THW cease the exploitation of resources in the Arctic Region
R6: (I) THW require government schools to teach religious studies
R7: THS sovereign debt default as a legitimate economic strategy for countries
R8: (I) THW require university students to work in their country of origin for a number of years after graduation
OF: (I) THW cut welfare support on compulsive gamblers
QF: (I) THBT social movements in democratic countries should drive social change through the courts rather than the legislature
SF: (I) THBT the government should pay house wives and house husbands for their work
GF: THBT Turkey is better off outside the EU

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